

Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Updation

The other day my daughter asked if I would pleeeeease log her iPod onto our wireless network so she could have updation.  Updation?  What on earth is that supposed to mean? 

So I asked her, "Sure, I think so Sweetie... but tell me, what is updation?"

"Oh Daddy, that's for the apps on there... so they can get updation... the new stuff."

"You mean you want me to download updates for your apps?"

"Yes!  Updation."

I smiled...  "Gotcha.  And I think you created a new word there.  Updation it is."

And, what on earth does this have to do with professional partnerships and the idea of fusing focus?  I'm glad you asked, because it goes straight to the core of what I talk about in this space.  The idea of fusing focus is to determine your own interests and also to figure out what is important to your partner (or partners) and then blend those goals and ideals into a unified game plan going forward.