

Friday, July 20, 2012


We've all got customers, don't we?  External customers to which we are selling our goods and services... Internal customers with whom we are trying to gain mindshare... Customers in our personal lives...  We all have all kinds of customers.  To me, our partners are a special kind of customer that is a little different.  I'd like to refer to our partners as "Trustomers" and I'll explain why.

The name actually derives from a moment when our Director was speaking to us in a group setting and he slipped up on the word "customer" and it came out "trustomer."  It was a simple thing, we all do it, but I thought to myself, "What a fantastic slip... That's exactly what our partners are!"

In alliances the currency we deal in is trust. 

In sales you are exchanging goods and services for cash, or you are trading them for other goods and services.  Ultimately, you are working toward a stronger bottom line and healthy free cash flow.  If you ask any business owner they will tell you that cash is king.

With our internal customers we are exchanging things such as: time, ideas, and influence.  We are on the same team and we do everything we can to row in the same direction and help the company to thrive.

But, when it comes to our partners, trust is king.  We aren't inherently on the same team.  There is always a threat that partnership can break down or someone could walk out.  If one side ceases to derive a benefit from the relationship, it can change.  Most partnerships exist in a tenuous state, unfortunately, and without trust they will dissolve.

So, remember this and always strive to build trust with your partners.  Here are a few basic things to keep top-of-mind when strengthening your alliances:

1.  Transparency - If you hide information or keep secrets, your partners will see right through it.  Be vigilant to explain what you are doing to your partners, especially when you cannot give them all of the details.  There will be times when you have information that is for internal eyes only and everyone understands that.  You just have to say it.

2. Consistency - This also goes back to communication.  No sudden moves, people!  If you start doing things out of the ordinary or make odd moves, your partner may start to wonder what you are up to.  that leads to a breakdown of trust every time.

3. Swift Resolution - The fact is that every partnership has conflict.  It happens.  And, it happens too often.  When these conflicts occur, sometimes repeat incidents, the last thing we want to do is confront it and spend the time to deal with it.  Unfortunately, that is the business you are in if you are involved in a professional alliance.  Delve into the conflict quickly and with empathy.  Find out what the problem is and work swiftly toward resolution.  Making that a habit is the absolute best way to build trust in partnership.

4. Proactivity - This is a big one, folks.  You can't be passive with your partners or you will continue to have an arm's length relationship.  In sales the best account executives will show up when there is nothing to buy or sell.  Better yet, they will call on their customers to genuinely find out how things are going.  This is completely huge in alliances, too.  If you call on your partner to find out what is working and what isn't working and you show genuine concern for their business, you will build a ton of trust.

Those are just a few ideas from my experience.  Leave some comments below... What have you found to be helpful?  How do you build trust in your partnerships?

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